Thursday, June 9, 2011

Poll Everywhere

Ok, I LOVE the idea of this one! I got into a discussion at home with my husband, an avid cell phone taker, about how cell phones can be positive in the classroom. When I saw this, I jumped at it as a way to make my case. allows students to poll in on a group opinion question posted by a teacher or presented, post questions or give answers. It will then show up on the whiteboard. I instantly thought of ten different ways to use this in my room. First, and the most fun, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire review games. Poll the audience or phone a friend. HELLO! Perfect. Next, bellwork. I already have students answer a question or edit something when they come in. Now, they could use their cellphones and see others' answers. Third is for polls and surveys in journalism. They cannt find a way to poll everyone the snail way. Here, it would be so easy.

So, I share these thoughts with Marc and he says, "But they won't do it." Yes they will, I thought. They do my bellwork everyday. But then, after watching the demo, I see the problem. There is no way to track who the message came from. That could prevent them from doing it and/or become dangerous for inappropriate messages and answers popping up on your board.

So,, please keep trying because I am loving it. I am planning to wait for you to tweak an already great product and then put it on my list for heading the Using Cellphones in School fan club.

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